epa08884610 Then US Vice President Joe Biden (L) shakes hands with then Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during their meeting in Moscow, Russia, 10 March 2011 (reissued 15 December 2020). Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Joe Biden for his victory in the US presidential election in a telegram published on the Kremlin's website on 15 December 2020. EPA-EFE/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

Rusia ka vendosur sanksione ndaj presidentit amerikan Joe Biden, tha ministria e saj e jashtme.

Sanksionet do të zbatohen gjithashtu për Sekretarin e Shtetit Antony Blinken, Sekretarin e Mbrojtjes Lloyd Austin, Këshilltarin e Sigurisë Kombëtare Jake Sullivan dhe shefin e CIA-s, William Burns.